Custom Positive Employee Websites

A union free company needs a “Ready-to-go” and flexible website populated with company information. Using accessible-when-needed Campaign Websites, forward-thinking companies reach out to their employees through multiple communication channels. We know from experience that a custom website can play a major role – not only in positive employee relations – but also in maintaining a union free environment.

Approximately 75% of the world uses the internet. There is a good chance your employees do too. And when you combine video with the internet, you provide a powerful informational tool for company news, educational messages and updates.

A website can be customized to your company brand. Copy can be adjusted quickly to keep pertinent information in front of the audience as it is needed. For companies that need longer to approve messages, we suggest a “Dark Website” that only goes “live” when needed. These are especially valuable as the return of quickie union elections (i.e., ambush elections) seems imminent.