Sexual Harassment Made Simple is a short but comprehensive sexual harassment prevention video that covers every aspect of this important legal topic in just 6 minutes.
Brand-New 2011 Production
This brand new Sexual Harassment video covers:
- Quid Pro Quo Harassment
- Hostile Environment Sexual Harassment
- The Reasonable Person Standard
- Prevention Techniques
- Sexting
- E-mail Harassment
- Gender Harassment
- Harassment by Non-Employees such as customers, vendors, consultants or delivery persons
- Same Sex Harassment
- Pregnancy Jokes and Comments
- Sexual jokes
- Verbal behaviors such as suggestive whistling & catcalls
- Unwanted repeated requests for dates & flirting
- Leering
- Physical behaviors such as back rubs, back scratching & hugs
- Use of demeaning names
- Social Networking sites
- Legal consequences for harassers
- And much more.
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