The Diversity Series Diversity Training Scenes


The Diversity Series Diversity Training Scenes


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Trainer’s Gold Selection

Diversity Training Scenes is intended to provide trainers, managers and employees with powerful tools that can stimulate discussion and promote behavioral changes around the issue of diversity in the workplace. The training scenes can encourage dialogue that will bring race, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, physical ability and other diversity issues out into the open where they can be effectively addressed.

Diversity Training Scenes consist of six workplace dramatizations, each followed by a discussion of the issues presented.

The issues addressed include:

  • the strength diversity brings to an organization
  • the organizational costs of fear and prejudice
  • the personal costs of intolerance
  • stereotyping and its impact on productivity
  • sexual harassment as a diversity issue
  • confronting inappropriate workplace behavior
  • the role of third parties in cultural conflicts
  • religious celebrations at work
  • communicating across cultural boundaries
  • the invisible costs of workplace discrimination


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