The Respectful Workplace – Opening the Right Doors


The Respectful Workplace – Opening the Right Doors


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Telly Award
International Cindy Award

While the media has focused on the spectacular but very rare instances of lethal workplace violence, the reality in most workplaces is very different. We deal with daily occurrences of hostility, intimidation, harassment and other damaging behavior. The perpetrators are employees, managers and customers. So are the victims. They are us. Unlike the rare, extreme cases, the more common manifestations of workplace violence take a daily toll on most workplaces. The Respectful Workplace is a resource designed to help organizations put an end to this other violence – the destructive conflicts that affect us all.

Program 1, Opening the Right Doors (25 minutes) teaches employees skills for dispute resolution and diffusing hostility. We learn to take responsibility for eliminating intimidation, bullying and harassment from our workplace culture.


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