Union Negotiations

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Union Negotiations


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This film is a “must see,” if you want a powerful way for employees to see and hear what actually happens when a union sits down and attempts to negotiate a contract with a company that the union has just successfully organized. “Union Negotiations” should be to be a key part of your union avoidance arsenal. This true to life video delivers a realistic portrayal and an accurate “behind-the-scenes” look at how negotiations really work. It effectively communicates what oftentimes occurs after a union becomes certified by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) as the exclusive bargaining representative for certain specified non-exempt employees.

This film focuses on a series of real life meetings between a company and the union negotiators that takes place over many months. The conference table setting and the back and forth, contentious dialogue between the two parties provide an in-depth insight into the reality of actual negotiations.

Even strong union supporters get a wake-up call as reality hits them in the face. During the course of this film, the frustration of a new union steward is obvious as he discovers union promises are hollow and empty, and that his wages, his benefits, his work rules . . . are all subject to the negotiation process. As the audience clearly sees, often the results of this negotiation process are a far cry from what they were promised by the union.

“Union Negotiations” is a very powerful and effective tool, whether it’s used proactively, or in the worst case scenario, reactively. Consideration should be given to the use of our film in the following situations;

  • “Union Negotiations” is effective when incorporated as part of employee programs.
  • Preemptively, “Union Negotiations” should be part of supervisory and management training.
  • If there is any knowledge of initial union activity, “Union Negotiations” is a must.
  • If there is a union campaign, “Union Negotiations” is critical in terms of educating voting unit employees.

Simply said, employees are much less likely to sign a union authorization card, and/or vote for a union, if they have seen this film.

One of the 10 largest companies in the United States purchased our very first copy of “Union Negotiations,” and is using this film right now in a fight against a very aggressive union. You’ll see why when you preview this video.

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