Why is the company so opposed to a union


Why is the company so opposed to a union


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Why is the company so opposed to a union? This is an in-depth look at what managers can and cannot say to an employee during an election. The audience will see the wrong way and the correct way to communicate to them

Why is the company so opposed to a union is an excerpt from Talking with Employees: Dramatic vignettes demonstrate effective techniques as well as blunders to avoid. Excellent training in answering employee questions.

  • Helps managers understand what they can and cannot do
  • Alerts managers what to expect in union claims and traps
  • Builds management confidence in communicating legally with employees

Web-Based Training now available for this title!

Makes Any Internet Ready Computer Your Part-time or Full-time “Classroom” For Self-Paced Training.

Supervisors and/or employees will watch this video online then they can answer a customizable quiz at the end if you want. Determining his/her comprehension of the issues involved. Once the trainee is finished, his/her scores will be available in a report for the training supervisor. Supervisory skills and issues are revealed only to those who have been given a special code. Software keeps records. The program will provide a wide range of pertinent information; who is passing, who is failing, each trainee’s scores and the availability to print a certificate.

AgTS’s Web-based training is available from a single website, accessible from the most remote locations. At your fingertips, Web-based training that instructs, tests, and records data for you.

AgTS Web-based training advantages:

  • Computer skills not required – any literate trainee can handle Web-based training.
  • Trainees are lead through the training with clear, uncomplicated prompts.
  • Boosts both entry level employees and supervisors’ awareness as well as interest.
  • Supervisory personnel are exposed to the same basic issues as entry level employees.
  • Self-paced training available when and where a computer and internet access is available.
  • Training does not have to be postponed until a classroom or sizeable group is available.

Available in Spanish Overdub


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