Would I Work For Me

Would I Work For Me

Would I Work For Me


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Trying to get the most out of the people you supervise, trying to get them to go that extra mile, isn’t easy. But most employees will tell you that what affects their productivity more than anything else is their immediate supervisor.

The video, “Would I Work For Me?” demonstrates a supervisor’s behavior in realistic situations—first as a newly appointed supervisor, and then as a more experienced manager who has learned from his mistakes. Viewers will learn eight effective management skills that improve motivation, productivity and the bottom line—this is essential training for all managers and supervisors.

Running Time:
20 minutes

This program includes:
•  Comprehensive 28 page leader’s guide with reproducible participant worksheets
•  22 page PowerPoint Slide Presentation (Slides may be edited for your organization’s needs.)

Languages: English or Spanish


A supervisor’s behavior strongly influences the productivity of a work group

Effective management practices include:

  • Share information
  • Get people involved
  • Listen to people’s concerns
  • Take action to show you care
  • Tell people what they’re doing right
  • Focus on solutions, not problems
  • Deal with mistakes in private
  • Use mistakes to help people


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