ADA – When You Gotta Go Training Trigger


ADA – When You Gotta Go Training Trigger


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A long-time employee is stunned when his by-the-book manager gives him a reprimand for taking long breaks. He can’t understand why an exception isn’t made in his case. “It’s the new medicine! That stuff the doctor prescribed, it makes me have to go more.”

This brief vignette triggers extensive discussion on ADA, FMLA and serious health conditions. Issues are raised, such as whether or not a manager has latitude to make judgment calls and whether or not deviation from established rules opens the door to chaos.

Does a good manager execute a no-exceptions policy or bend the rules in order to make what may seem a reasonable exception? Is it the manager’s responsibility to simply enforce existing rules, or is it his/her responsibility to wage a campaign to reshape rules that, under certain circumstances, may seem unfair? This vignette raises valid questions about strict enforcement of law and company policy.

**Please note that all purchases should be available within a 72 hour period. We do not offer training material with these vignettes.  Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.


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