Unmerited Claim and Harassment Part 1 She May Just Need Time To Adjust (Training Trigger)


Unmerited Claim and Harassment Part 1 She May Just Need Time To Adjust (Training Trigger)


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A new supervisor charges that a woman now under her is jealous of her promotion and is retaliating with racist remarks. “I can put up with her jealousy but not with her racism.”

Are the supervisor’s claims of harassment and racism warranted? How much more does the manager need to know in order to accurately appraise the situation? And, how can the manager go about proving or disproving the claims? Furthermore, how active a role should the manager take in the situation? This Training Trigger opens a can of worms that any manager can inadvertently encounter.

(Following discussion and legal review, show The Other Side of the Coin, which is a continuation of the story.)

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