Discrimination – An Oldie but Still a Goodie Training Trigger


Discrimination – An Oldie but Still a Goodie Training Trigger


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Age Discrimination/Disability & Reasonable Accommodation

A manager tells the H.R. Director of her concerns about the wisdom of having a seventy-year-old employee on the manufacturing floor. “Frankly, I’m scared Old Pete is gonna get hurt. Can we do … something with him?”

Professional trainers use this vignette to generate lively discussion of age discrimination and of disability and reasonable accommodation.

Is the employee too old or physically unable to continue holding his present position? Is he putting others at risk, as well as himself? What are the legal options in such a case? And what potential ramifications face the manager and the company?

**Please note that all purchases should be available within a 72 hour period. We do not offer training material with these vignettes. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.


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