Jury Friendly Termination


Jury Friendly Termination


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Did you know your records become the most important evidence the jury will have before them during their deliberations? Are you aware that tangible evidence – your documents – go with the jury into the jury room? They are the key to Jury Friendly Termination.

Jury Friendly Termination is designed to help organizations avoid the pain – and the cost– of illegal termination. The video follows the dramatic story of one person’s termination, using a traditional… and then the preferred approach.

Jury Friendly Termination is a termination process that includes:

  • An effort to protect the employee’s self-esteem and focus on the organization.
  • An immediate preliminary investigation of serious potential termination situations.
  • Creation of tangible evidence including assuring the presence of a witness at all times
  • Issuing clear warnings and the consequences of failing to respond
  • The “Last Chance Agreement” issued after three warnings – an agreement that specifically states that termination will be the consequence unless certain benchmarks are met
  • The necessity of maintaining a written record of the facts, and
  • The creation of a “Corrective Action File” containing all of the documentation above.

Since most juries give the employee the benefit of the doubt where questions are left unanswered, Jury Friendly Termination outlines a complete step-by-step legal termination process – from the perspective of a jury’s later examination of the facts.

No one wants to fire an employee, but when it becomes necessary, everyone’s rights need to be protected. Jury Friendly Termination is an excellent guide for managers to assure that their actions are legal and fair.

The video is helpful to all supervisors and managers either on a stand-alone basis or as part of a more comprehensive training program.


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