Leadership: What’s Trust Got To Do With It

Leadership - What's Trust Got To Do With It - 1st Edition

Leadership: What’s Trust Got To Do With It


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What can leaders do to regain trust?  This video provides realistic methods for rebuilding trust and reestablishing employee involvement. “LEADERSHIP:  What’s Trust Got To Do With It?” tells the story of a team leader who learns that trust is the foundation of leadership.  Using three trust building behaviors: openness, credibility and trusting others, he gradually regains the trust and active participation of his work team.

Rebuilding trust, as demonstrated in the video, requires time and consistency.  As Sid, the video’s mentor says, “Trust is like money.  It’s tough to get and easy to lose.”  And without trust, leadership is not possible.

Running Time:
19 minutes

This program includes:
•  Comprehensive 28 page leader’s guide with reproducible participant worksheets
•  10 page PowerPoint Slide Presentation (Slides may be edited for your organization’s needs. This file available as a download.)

Languages: English or Spanish


– Trust is the foundation of leadership

  • Without trust, leadership efforts have little effect
  • The three most important trust-building behaviors are:

    1. Openness
    – Honestly tell people what you know
    – Listen and respond to all questions

2. Credibility
– Do what you promise to do
– If you can’t do what you promise, own up to it and work out a solution

3. Trust Others
– Acknowledge the skill and expertise of your team
– Allow and encourage team members to contribute

– Trust-building behavior must be consistent and ongoing


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