You Can STOP Harassment You Can STOP Harassment – Training Scenes


You Can STOP Harassment You Can STOP Harassment – Training Scenes


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International Cindy Award

These training scenes are intended to encourage employees, supervisors, team leaders and managers in public and private sector organizations to take responsibility to help end all forms of harassment in their workplaces. The scenarios present familiar situations of workplace harassment and strategies to stop the undesired behavior.

You Can STOP Harassment Training Scenes consists of seven dramatizations. Each addresses a different type of workplace harassment.

  • Scenario #1 – Sexual & gender harassment
  • Scenario #2 – Racial harassment
  • Scenario #3 – Sexual orientation harassment
  • Scenario #4 – Religious harassment & retaliation
  • Scenario #5 – Racial & sexual harassment
  • Scenario #6 – Ethnic & religious harassment
  • Scenario #7 – Same sex harassment


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