Constructive Discharge Part 1 He’s Been Fired (Training Trigger)


Constructive Discharge Part 1 He’s Been Fired (Training Trigger)


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When sexual harassment leads to a termination of a popular team leader, steps taken to avoid retaliation may or may not be in the right direction. “We’re transferring you to another department.”

This Training Trigger deals with the retaliation following a by-the-book termination. Did the manager make the right decision concerning transfer? Was there more or something different she should have done? The trainees’ discussion of the situation paves the way for instruction and review of company procedures and the law. (Following discussion show Transferred, which is a continuation of the story.)

**Please note that all purchases should be available within a 72 hour period. We do not offer training material with these vignettes.  Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.


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