Discrimination – Strike While the Iron is Hot Training Trigger


Discrimination – Strike While the Iron is Hot Training Trigger


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Race Discrimination/Electonically Stored Information

When an African-American employee who refuses to stop private use of her computer is terminated, she threatens to sue on the grounds of racial discrimination, claiming that whites are never reprimanded. “Besides, who gives you the right to check my internet? That’s an invasion of my privacy.”

Two highly charged issues are introduced by this training trigger: race discrimination and electronically stored information. Trainees become involved in disentangling the two and examining each on its own merits.

How uniformly is it possible to apply company rules? What privacy rights do employees have under the law? Is the manager unconsciously showing racial prejudice? Is the employee playing the race card in order to get special treatment? Discussion of the issues creates a memorable form of learning for viewers.

**Please note that all purchases should be available within a 72 hour period. We do not offer training material with these vignettes. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.


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