Hire for Attitude

Why focus on attitude? Quite simply, skills can be taught. Attitude cannot. You’ve probably had the experience of hiring someone who you thought was perfect for the job—only to find out later that the person could not work within the organization. With fewer people doing more work these days, organizations cannot afford costly hiring mistakes and the resulting turnover. Finding the right person with the right attitude and mind-set is a top priority.

In this video, a newly promoted manager needs to quickly hire a replacement for himself. Fortunately he gets some valuable advice from a fellow employee who guides him through the entire hiring process, from planning through interviewing and evaluation.

Running Time:
20 minutes

This program includes:
•  Comprehensive 28 page leader’s guide with reproducible participant worksheets
•  10 page PowerPoint Slide Presentation (Slides may be edited for your organization’s needs. This file available as a download.)

Languages: English or Spanish


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