The Sid Story


The Sid Story


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Run time: 20 Minutes

As a manager, are you concentrating on the negative aspects of your employees’ performances? Sid, a grumpy manager who loves to punish employees, finds out positive feedback works much better.

Sid’s night shift has the lowest efficiency and the highest rate of turnover and absenteeism in the company-obviously caused by his negative feedback and punishment techniques. Steve, a business consultant, is hired to give Sid some helpful advice on how to manage people successfully and eventually convinces Sid to begin practicing positive reinforcement. Soon, Sid’s night shift becomes the most productive in the company!

Participants will learn:

  • How to establish a climate in which employees know what is expected of them
  • How to measure performance and give employees feedback
  • How to increase positive observations
  • How to give employees the opportunity to be winners


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