You Can STOP Harassment Tomando la responsabilidad


You Can STOP Harassment Tomando la responsabilidad


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International Cindy Award

Este programa está hecho para ayudar al personal, a los supervisores, a los líderes de equipo y a los directores en las organizaciones del sector público y privado a responsabilizarse para ayudar a terminar con todas las formas de acoso sexual en su lugar de trabajo.

After viewing Program 1, Taking Responsibility, and working through the printed support materials, participants should understand…

  • what illegal harassment is and its impact at work
  • the need to support our co-workers in facing up to harassment
  • how to confront harassment to make it stop
  • how to defuse disrespectful or harassing situations
  • that not all harassment is intentional
  • that it’s the impact of our behavior that counts, not our intentions
  • the importance of setting appropriate boundaries


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