ADA – From Nurse to Worse Training Trigger


ADA – From Nurse to Worse Training Trigger


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When a sixty-year-old employee is not excused in order to nurse a terminally ill friend, the employee interprets the supervisor’s stance as age discrimination and revenge. That’s when a floodgate of accusations is released. “You’re trying to weed us old people out!”

This situation also releases a flood of related issues for discussion, including ADA, ADEA, attendance policy, and retaliation, as well as protected activity and causation.

When trainees are guided through a discussion of the issues, a clear understanding of the requirements of and limitations of the law emerges. Is the supervisor simply following the rules or reacting to a previous complaint filed by the employee? And, do mitigating circumstances affect how this situation should be handled?

**Please note that all purchases should be available within a 72 hour period. We do not offer training material with these vignettes.  Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.


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